
My Worst Nightmare by Jill Dennison

Many things bother me at the moment:  Those who are actively rejecting the COVID vaccine; the determined obstruction by the Republican Party in Congress; climate change and those who refuse to so much as lift a finger to help reverse decades of man-made damage; wealthy people not paying their fair share in taxes; the ignorance […]

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There Outta Be A Law! by Jill Dennison

There Outta Be A Law! There is currently no law in the U.S. that says a convicted felon cannot run for public office all the way up to the presidency.  Crazy, right?  You’ll likely remember the Bundy brothers – Ammon and Ryan – and their father, Cliven, who came to fame in 2014 when they engaged […]

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The Case Of Mr. Hervis Rogers by Jill Dennison

Texas, like many other states, has been desperately looking for cases of voter fraud in the 2020 election.  Finding none, they seized on a 62-year-old man … a Black man, naturally … to make an example, to plead their case for the latest round of voter suppression laws they are attempting to pass.  Charles M. […]

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Boom by Jill Dennison

Just what pleasure do people get from setting off obnoxiously loud fireworks for hours on end?  I’ve never understood it.  I am sitting here at just after midnight, and every few seconds comes another loud BOOM!  This is an apartment complex of 180 townhouses, most occupied by working class families with children and pets.  Some […]

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Filosofa’s Mind Is Bouncy by Jill Dennison

Filosofa’s Mind Is Bouncy There was much in yesterday’s news that I could, perhaps should, be writing about.  There was the Supreme Court decision to uphold Arizona’s voter suppression laws, Bill Cosby’s sentence being overturned, even though he has admitted his guilt, Trump organization along with CFO Weisselberg being charged with running a 15-year tax scam, […]

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