America Is Back Again??? Not So Fast … by Jill Dennison

Informative Miscellaneous News News & Politics

America Is Back Again??? Not So Fast …

The former guy’s slogan was Make America Great Again, but every single thing he did dragged this nation further and further from that ideological ‘greatness’.  I would argue that the United States has never been any more ‘great’ than many Western nations, worse than some.  But, greatness is relative and subject to interpretation, so perhaps my standards are higher than some.  However, the nation was certainly at one time much ‘better’ than it has been for the past four years. When Joe Biden traveled to Europe for the G7 earlier this month, he announced that “America is Back!”  And certainly he has brought us back to respectability among our allies, a respectability that was completely gone under the former guy,…

Source: America Is Back Again??? Not So Fast …
Source: Jill Dennison