Theirs but to do and die


I haven’t done one of these in an age. For the dverse prosery night.

The general finally wound up his speech.
‘So, if all do their duty, they need not fear harm.”
His horse shook its head and the general raised his, to stare into the middle distance, a heroic poise. He pulled on the reins, and to whoops and cheers, turned his horse around to ride off majestically to the rear.
“They need not fear the firing squad for insurrection, he means.” Alfred spat on the ground and nudged Bill in the ribs. “He wasn’t talking about that lot out there.”
The two men stared over the sandbags at the line of men, advancing through the dust raised by armoured cars and tanks. Bill wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.
“Because they’re going to do more’n harm us. They’re going to fuckin’ wipe us off the face of the fuckin’ earth.”

I haven’t done one of these in an age. For the dverse prosery night. The general finally wound up his speech.‘So, if all do their duty, they need not fear harm.”His horse shook its head and the general raised his, to stare into the middle distance, a heroic poise. He pulled on the reins, and … Continue reading Theirs but to do and dieRead MoreJane Dougherty Writes