Wednesday Story Day – AKA – Hump Day by John W. Howell

Contemporary ShortStories Writing

Wednesday Story Day – AKA – Hump Day


Twiggy and Lucy.

“Lucy. I think I hear Friday coming.”
“It’s the mail person, Twiggy.”
“That’s too bad. Sure sounds like Friday.”


It is Wednesday Story Day again, and last week we were there when Larry decided to call Cortez and arrange a talk. Also, another sniper has been deployed to take advantage of the possibility of taking a shot at Cortez and his crew. The plan is for Larry to drive the FBI sedan into the drive and then go inside to talk with Cortez. This sounds super dangerous. Larry has pulled the car into the drive and got out with his hands in the air. I can see someone in the house waving him to come inside. […]

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