What I Didn’t Know at the Start of my Writing Journey by Stevie Turner

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What I Didn’t Know at the Start of my Writing Journey

We’ve all learned many things as we’ve gone on to write one book after another. I started off writing novels back in 2013. I would dedicate 2 whole days to writing, and then work at the hospital on the other 3 days. I sent off my first manuscript, Mind Games, and was straight away considered for representation. This is easy, I thought.

However, when The Susijn Agency eventually turned me down after a week of nail-biting, I started writing The Pilates Class and A House Without Windows, and then these were followed by ‘Lily: A Short Story‘, all in 2014. Eventually by 2021 my Amazon author page is full of books, and I now have a very different opinion about writing novels than I did at the beginning. Here are a few things I’ve learned, not in any particular order — just as I think of them. If I’ve missed any out that you’ve personally come across, please add them in the comments.

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