Smorgasbord Book Reviews – #Western #Romance – Keeper Tyree by S. Cox

Romance Western Writing

Smorgasbord Book Reviews – #Western #Romance – Keeper Tyree by S. Cox

Today I am reviewing the western romance Keeper Tyree by S. Cox...

About the book

Keeper Tyree is an aging bounty hunter who lives by his own set of rules. He’s a hard man, but just, and his word is his bond. He’s a loner and likes it that way. Then Cathleen O’Donnell catapults into his life looking to hire his gun. Josiah Pardee has killed her boy, and she’s out for vengeance. Somehow all his hard and fast rules, including working alone and minding his own business, crumbles in the face of the immovable widow he now works for. He finds himself rescuing soiled doves, a myopic bookworm more suited to city life than the Wild West, and an hombre being dragged to death by angry cardplayers, as he tracks down the murdering sidewinder Josiah Pardee.

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