Saturday, July 27, 2024

Stone Circles, Henges, Hills and a Barrow by Ailish Sinclair, the author of Fireflies and Chocolate

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Stone Circles, Henges, Hills and a Barrow by Ailish Sinclair

Stone Circles, Henges, Hills and a Barrow

Aikey Brae, one of my favourite stone circles

It’s no secret that I love stone circles and other old stony places. I visit them. A lot. I hug them. Quite a bit. And I write about them. Aikey Brae, above, is probably my absolute favourite. The circle in my books is loosely based on this one. I’ve blogged about it here in the snow and here after the trees were felled.

Today I’m sharing some older photos of ancient sites that I’ve not used before, so they may not be too perfect, but I hope they capture the spirit of these special places.

First, I’m going back in time, deep into the family photo archives, and journeying out of Scotland to Wiltshire in England.

Avebury stone circle

The great henge of Avebury, a circle with a village built right in the middle of it, is another of my favourites.

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Here are the books

The Mermaid and The Bear

Fireflies and Chocolate