Do you practice Factfulness? by A Better Man

Do you practice Factfulness? In a perfect world, journalists would always present the news in a completely accurate way, and they’d give plenty of relevant context to make it even more impactful. But, unfortunately, we live in the real world, where journalists are in the business of attracting readers, and readers love things to be […]

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What is the difference between innovation and creativity? by A Better Man

What is the difference between innovation and creativity? The terms “creativity” and “innovation” are frequently used interchangeably. While there is some overlap between them, they are distinct. It’s critical to comprehend and implement this distinction in your innovation strategy. The act of inventing something new, whether it’s a variant on a theme or something entirely […]

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Celeste Post-Apocalyptia pt 12~ Another Tunnel?

Celeste Post-Apocalyptia pt 12~ Another Tunnel? Posted on August 6, 2021 by Reena Saxena What if We all Cared?   Sitting quietly on the steps Celeste begins to doze and is back eating the bacon and eggsthat kind cook offered her. Deeply inhaling, sighing and licking her lips she suddenly wakens and realizes how utterly vulnerable […]

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