Wind and Rain, Rain and WindMarcia Mearaon August 5, 2024 at 3:11 pm


One day, a tropical storm, the next, a hurricane! That’s how it goes around these parts. Today, Hurricane Debby is slamming the Big Bend area of Florida with storm bands that reach from the Gulf of Mexico clear out into the Atlantic Ocean. It’s on its way to Georgia and the Carolinas, but we are … Continue reading Wind and Rain, Rain and WindOne day, a tropical storm, the next, a hurricane! That’s how it goes around these parts. Today, Hurricane Debby is slamming the Big Bend area of Florida with storm bands that reach from the Gulf of Mexico clear out into the Atlantic Ocean. It’s on its way to Georgia and the Carolinas, but we are … Continue reading Wind and Rain, Rain and WindOne day, a tropical storm, the next, a hurricane! That’s how it goes around these parts. Today, Hurricane Debby is slamming the Big Bend area of Florida with storm bands that reach from the Gulf of Mexico clear out into the Atlantic Ocean. It’s on its way to Georgia and the Carolinas, but we are … Continue reading Wind and Rain, Rain and WindRead MoreThe Write Stuff