Yes, More Poetry. I Can’t Seem to Stop! Hope you enjoy this one.Marcia Mearaon September 3, 2024 at 4:28 pm


  Deep Pockets He sits cross-legged On smooth, gray granite Outside the tent, And watches the light Turn from gold to silver, Caught in that space between Daylight and dusk, When all things seem possible, And the remarkable, Ordinary. To hold his day Longer, closer, He goes through his pockets, And chooses memories To save … Continue reading Yes, More Poetry. I Can’t Seem to Stop! Hope you enjoy this one.  Deep Pockets He sits cross-legged On smooth, gray granite Outside the tent, And watches the light Turn from gold to silver, Caught in that space between Daylight and dusk, When all things seem possible, And the remarkable, Ordinary. To hold his day Longer, closer, He goes through his pockets, And chooses memories To save … Continue reading Yes, More Poetry. I Can’t Seem to Stop! Hope you enjoy this one.  Deep Pockets He sits cross-legged On smooth, gray granite Outside the tent, And watches the light Turn from gold to silver, Caught in that space between Daylight and dusk, When all things seem possible, And the remarkable, Ordinary. To hold his day Longer, closer, He goes through his pockets, And chooses memories To save … Continue reading Yes, More Poetry. I Can’t Seem to Stop! Hope you enjoy this one.Read MoreThe Write Stuff