Feeling Poetic Today … Hope You Enjoy This One from “Summer Magic”Marcia Mearaon September 1, 2024 at 2:43 pm


Indian Summer He sees her standing Below the falls, Carefully balanced On the slippery rocks, And laughing In the hazy October sun. Only yesterday The ice-rimmed pool Mirrored angry gray clouds, And a wind out of the north Chilled his bones. Today, a warm yellow sun Has eaten the frost, And resurrected the ghost Of … Continue reading Feeling Poetic Today … Hope You Enjoy This One from “Summer Magic”Indian Summer He sees her standing Below the falls, Carefully balanced On the slippery rocks, And laughing In the hazy October sun. Only yesterday The ice-rimmed pool Mirrored angry gray clouds, And a wind out of the north Chilled his bones. Today, a warm yellow sun Has eaten the frost, And resurrected the ghost Of … Continue reading Feeling Poetic Today … Hope You Enjoy This One from “Summer Magic”Indian Summer He sees her standing Below the falls, Carefully balanced On the slippery rocks, And laughing In the hazy October sun. Only yesterday The ice-rimmed pool Mirrored angry gray clouds, And a wind out of the north Chilled his bones. Today, a warm yellow sun Has eaten the frost, And resurrected the ghost Of … Continue reading Feeling Poetic Today … Hope You Enjoy This One from “Summer Magic”Read MoreThe Write Stuff