Still Gonna Be M.I.A. a Bit Longer, I’m AfraidMarcia Mearaon August 28, 2024 at 4:46 pm


  Just a quick note to let you know I have NOT forgotten about all my online friends and am not deliberately letting my blog sit idle. I’m still just trying to sort out all my new health issues that seem to have cropped up all at once. On the plus side, I’m still doing … Continue reading Still Gonna Be M.I.A. a Bit Longer, I’m Afraid  Just a quick note to let you know I have NOT forgotten about all my online friends and am not deliberately letting my blog sit idle. I’m still just trying to sort out all my new health issues that seem to have cropped up all at once. On the plus side, I’m still doing … Continue reading Still Gonna Be M.I.A. a Bit Longer, I’m Afraid  Just a quick note to let you know I have NOT forgotten about all my online friends and am not deliberately letting my blog sit idle. I’m still just trying to sort out all my new health issues that seem to have cropped up all at once. On the plus side, I’m still doing … Continue reading Still Gonna Be M.I.A. a Bit Longer, I’m AfraidRead MoreThe Write Stuff