Touching Base Once Again!Marcia Mearaon August 21, 2024 at 11:10 pm


Don’t know about you guys in the rest of the country, but I’m pretty sure those of us who live in Florida are OVER summer now, and counting the days until the first fall weather arrives. MAN, it’s been a hot one down here, but hopefully, it will start easing up a bit soon. In … Continue reading Touching Base Once Again!Don’t know about you guys in the rest of the country, but I’m pretty sure those of us who live in Florida are OVER summer now, and counting the days until the first fall weather arrives. MAN, it’s been a hot one down here, but hopefully, it will start easing up a bit soon. In … Continue reading Touching Base Once Again!Don’t know about you guys in the rest of the country, but I’m pretty sure those of us who live in Florida are OVER summer now, and counting the days until the first fall weather arrives. MAN, it’s been a hot one down here, but hopefully, it will start easing up a bit soon. In … Continue reading Touching Base Once Again!Read MoreThe Write Stuff