Uh-oh!Marcia Mearaon August 4, 2024 at 4:05 pm


Just when I think I can breathe easy for a bit, we get more warnings. Seminole County (where we live) is now included in a TORNADO watch! Give me a hurricane over a tornado ANY day! Sure hope nothing comes of this one, but I’m looking at some stuff in the backyard that probably needs … Continue reading Uh-oh!Just when I think I can breathe easy for a bit, we get more warnings. Seminole County (where we live) is now included in a TORNADO watch! Give me a hurricane over a tornado ANY day! Sure hope nothing comes of this one, but I’m looking at some stuff in the backyard that probably needs … Continue reading Uh-oh!Just when I think I can breathe easy for a bit, we get more warnings. Seminole County (where we live) is now included in a TORNADO watch! Give me a hurricane over a tornado ANY day! Sure hope nothing comes of this one, but I’m looking at some stuff in the backyard that probably needs … Continue reading Uh-oh!Read MoreThe Write Stuff