Still Here … so far!Marcia Mearaon August 4, 2024 at 2:39 pm


We are still under a major bad weather watch, though nothing happened last night. Looks like it will get rainy later today and tomorrow will tell the tale as to how bad this storm will be. The brunt of the storm is on track to make landfall at “Big Bend” where the Florida mainland begins … Continue reading Still Here … so far!We are still under a major bad weather watch, though nothing happened last night. Looks like it will get rainy later today and tomorrow will tell the tale as to how bad this storm will be. The brunt of the storm is on track to make landfall at “Big Bend” where the Florida mainland begins … Continue reading Still Here … so far!We are still under a major bad weather watch, though nothing happened last night. Looks like it will get rainy later today and tomorrow will tell the tale as to how bad this storm will be. The brunt of the storm is on track to make landfall at “Big Bend” where the Florida mainland begins … Continue reading Still Here … so far!Read MoreThe Write Stuff