Quick Update on Tropical Storm Debby Before I Head to Bed!Marcia Mearaon August 3, 2024 at 11:43 pm


It looks like we here on the east coast are in for a much easier ride than those along the west one. I wish NONE Of us were likely to experience Tropical Storm Debby, but alas, pretty sure parts of the state are gonna have some nasty weather, especially along the Gulf of Mexico. Hopefully … Continue reading Quick Update on Tropical Storm Debby Before I Head to Bed!It looks like we here on the east coast are in for a much easier ride than those along the west one. I wish NONE Of us were likely to experience Tropical Storm Debby, but alas, pretty sure parts of the state are gonna have some nasty weather, especially along the Gulf of Mexico. Hopefully … Continue reading Quick Update on Tropical Storm Debby Before I Head to Bed!It looks like we here on the east coast are in for a much easier ride than those along the west one. I wish NONE Of us were likely to experience Tropical Storm Debby, but alas, pretty sure parts of the state are gonna have some nasty weather, especially along the Gulf of Mexico. Hopefully … Continue reading Quick Update on Tropical Storm Debby Before I Head to Bed!Read MoreThe Write Stuff