Yippie!! (Yep, another update!)Marcia Mearaon July 29, 2024 at 11:52 pm


The dreaded Holter monitor is GONE!! I’m doing the Happy Dance all over the place. (Well, for me, it’s more like the Happy Shuffle, but that’s okay. It’s the “Happy” part that counts!) I am delighted to have that thing that’s been taped over my heart for a week disappear!! I won’t know the results … Continue reading Yippie!! (Yep, another update!)The dreaded Holter monitor is GONE!! I’m doing the Happy Dance all over the place. (Well, for me, it’s more like the Happy Shuffle, but that’s okay. It’s the “Happy” part that counts!) I am delighted to have that thing that’s been taped over my heart for a week disappear!! I won’t know the results … Continue reading Yippie!! (Yep, another update!)The dreaded Holter monitor is GONE!! I’m doing the Happy Dance all over the place. (Well, for me, it’s more like the Happy Shuffle, but that’s okay. It’s the “Happy” part that counts!) I am delighted to have that thing that’s been taped over my heart for a week disappear!! I won’t know the results … Continue reading Yippie!! (Yep, another update!)Read MoreThe Write Stuff