Still Trying to Catch UP … Sort of.Marcia Mearaon July 28, 2024 at 8:00 pm


Just wanted to thank you all for being so kind and understanding as I make my way through several health issues that have slowed me down considerably. Let me say right up front, they have NOT stopped me completely, nor WILL they! But it might be a little while before I get totally back on … Continue reading Still Trying to Catch UP … Sort of.Just wanted to thank you all for being so kind and understanding as I make my way through several health issues that have slowed me down considerably. Let me say right up front, they have NOT stopped me completely, nor WILL they! But it might be a little while before I get totally back on … Continue reading Still Trying to Catch UP … Sort of.Just wanted to thank you all for being so kind and understanding as I make my way through several health issues that have slowed me down considerably. Let me say right up front, they have NOT stopped me completely, nor WILL they! But it might be a little while before I get totally back on … Continue reading Still Trying to Catch UP … Sort of.Read MoreThe Write Stuff