#BreakTimeEndDrawingNear – #HopeToBeBackSoon! – #FingersCrossed!Marcia Mearaon June 13, 2024 at 3:12 pm


  Yep! One more trip to the cardiologist this afternoon, and I HOPE to be back to my more normal posting schedule. If all goes well, I will be putting out a call for guest bloggers, too. Crossing my fingers that I receive permission to get ON with my life again! Will touch base after … Continue reading #BreakTimeEndDrawingNear – #HopeToBeBackSoon! – #FingersCrossed!  Yep! One more trip to the cardiologist this afternoon, and I HOPE to be back to my more normal posting schedule. If all goes well, I will be putting out a call for guest bloggers, too. Crossing my fingers that I receive permission to get ON with my life again! Will touch base after … Continue reading #BreakTimeEndDrawingNear – #HopeToBeBackSoon! – #FingersCrossed!  Yep! One more trip to the cardiologist this afternoon, and I HOPE to be back to my more normal posting schedule. If all goes well, I will be putting out a call for guest bloggers, too. Crossing my fingers that I receive permission to get ON with my life again! Will touch base after … Continue reading #BreakTimeEndDrawingNear – #HopeToBeBackSoon! – #FingersCrossed!Read MoreThe Write Stuff