Smorgasbord Health Column 2022 – The Gentle Detox – Introduction and Phase One – Before you begin your weight loss programme

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Smorgasbord Health Column 2022 – The Gentle Detox – Introduction and Phase One – Before you begin your weight loss programme

Most of us have come out of the festive season with a little more than some presents and remnants of tinsel around the house. Many go into Christmas with great intentions especially, if they have been careful all year about weight and exercise, and others say ” What the Hell“ and dive straight into the Eggnog.. Whichever type of reveller you are this is still a great time to give your body its annual holiday and get it ready for the tough year ahead.

Something to think about: Fasting

I will be upfront with you. I do not agree with water only fasts, that starves a body into submission. Whilst I find intermittent fasting (eating within an 8 hour window) suits me, at my age, with my level of activity, and to combat high blood sugar and blood pressure levels. I don’t recommend if you are in working full time including as a mother, have a very active lifestyle, or are already underweight.

I also do not agree with removing any major food group from your diet unless there is a diagnosed medical condition that requires it, or a confirmed allergy. This includes wholegrain carbohydrates which have an important role to play in your complex nutritional requirements.

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